Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Bus Building Company Essay Example

Bus Building Company Essay Example Bus Building Company Essay Bus Building Company Essay ? Introduction InnoBus Limited is a bus building company located in Toronto, Canada. The company produces and sells a variety of buses designated for public transport within cities. The main customers are in the United States and Canada. Five years ago (about in 1994), due to the bad financial situation, the company was bought by the Dutch entrepreneur , Mr Jan de Koning. He introduced several new techniques and designs to the production and management process of the company. He also changed the company structure from bureaucracy to more flexible and innovative the way together with job guarantee to employees(no loose job), 200 employees just work half year. The company was better now, but still lack of big orders. However, to be glad, the new technology of low-floor buses are improved. ? Marketing The company service public transport, school bus, company bus and airport bus. It also has city bus, suburban bus, inner-city bus. Besides, the low-floor bus is the new level service. The low-floor bus, the entrance and exit with no steps make it easy for elderly, the young and physically challenged to entry and exist bus. The wide opening doors and the low floor height help passenger get on and off quickly. However, the low-floor bus makes a lot of problem because of lacking technology. Through three Canadian people visited to Holland and the ministry of traffic management to learn how public transport technologies and system works well in Holland and also in Europe, Jans got a new technology, namely doing in European way that to build the bus with frames and pipes so no longer need to use truck chasis with that new concept, then he could build a the successful low-floor bus with integral design technology. Because of new technology, the company got more market shares not only in Canada and USA, also in Mexico,Saudi Arabia and China. The competing is very strong. ? Financial Problem When Mr Jan de Koning bought the company, it almost went bankrupt. Even though the company is better now, it is still not yet completely stable in regard to finance. The company is in serious trouble. As a primary company, the competition is so tough. In addition, the sales still not increase(from 1996 to 1998, production of buses declined by more than 30%. ) so that the market is declining. Therefore, the current financial position is rather weak; last 5 years, share capital and contributed surplus was positive, while current year it run into the red (about 4,500 dollar) . Between 1996 and 1997, the company recovered from the financial problem and had profit, while they lost about 15 million dollar this year. The company need the bank loan to cover the deficit. However, at this moment the bank is asking for immediate payment of all outstanding debts. Thus, it increases the payable, about 10% need to pay soon.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Why You Shouldnt Use a Period When Text Messaging

Why You Shouldnt Use a Period When Text Messaging Have you ever ended up in a spat with someone after a text message conversation went awry? Has anyone ever accused your messages of being rude or insincere? This may sound a bit crazy, but a study found that using a period to end a texted sentence could be the problem. A team of psychologists at Binghamton University in New York conducted a study among the schools students and found that text message responses to questions that ended with a period were perceived as less sincere than those that did not. The study titled  Texting Insincerely: The Role of the Period in Text Messaging was published in  Computers in Human Behavior  in December 2015, and was led by  Associate Professor of Psychology Celia Klin. Previous studies and your own daily observations show that  most people do not include periods at the end of final sentences in text messages, even when they include them in the sentences that precede them. Klin and her team suggest that this occurs because  the rapid back-and-forth exchange enabled by texting resembles talking, so our use of the medium is closer to how we speak to each other than to how we write with each other. This means that when people communicate by text message they must use other methods to include the social cues that are included by default in spoken conversations, like  tone, physical gestures, facial and eye expressions, and the pauses we take between our words. (In sociology, we use the symbolic interaction perspective to analyze all the ways our daily interactions are loaded with communicated meaning.) There are many ways that we add these social cues to our textual conversations. Most obvious among them are emojis, which have become such a common part of our daily communicative lives that Oxford English Dictionary named the Face with Tears of Joy emoji as its 2015 word of the year. But of course, we also use punctuation like asterisks and exclamation points to add emotional and social cues to our texted conversations. Repeating letters to add emphasis to a word, like sooooooo tired, is also commonly used to the same effect.​ Klin and her team suggest that these elements add pragmatic and social information to the literal meaning of typed words, and so have become useful and important elements of conversation in our digitized, twenty-first-century lives. But a period at the end of a final sentence stands alone. In the context of texting, other linguistic researchers have  suggested that the period reads as finalas shutting down a conversationand that it is more commonly used at the end of a sentence that is meant to convey unhappiness, anger, or frustration. But Klin and her team wondered if this was really the case, and so they conducted a study to test this theory. Klin and her team had 126 students at their university rate the sincerity of a variety of exchanges,  presented as images of text messages on mobile phones. In each exchange, the first message contained a statement and a question, and the response contained an answer to the question. The researchers tested each set of messages with a response that ended with a period, and with one that did not.  One example  read, Dave gave me his extra tickets. Wanna come? followed by a response of Surepunctuated with a period in some instances, and not in others. The study also contained twelve other exchanges using different forms of punctuation, so as to not lead participants on to the intent of the study. Participants rated the exchanges from very insincere (1) to very sincere (7). The results show that people find final sentences that end with a period to be less sincere than those that are ended without punctuation (3.85 on the scale of 1-7, versus 4.06). Klin and her team observed that the period has taken on a particular pragmatic and social meaning in texting because its use is optional in this form of communication. That participants in the study did not rate use of the period as indicating a less sincere handwritten message seems to back this up. Our interpretation of the period as signaling a not entirely sincere message is unique to texting. Of course, these findings do not suggest that people are using periods intentionally to make the meaning of their messages less sincere. But regardless of intent, receivers of such messages are interpreting them that way. Consider that during an in-person conversation, a similar lack of sincerity might be communicated by not looking up from a task or other object of focus while responding to a question. Such behavior signals a lack of interest in or engagement with the person asking the question. In the context of texting, the use of a period has taken on a similar meaning. So if you want to ensure that your messages are received and understood with the level of sincerity you intend, leave the period off the final sentence. You might even consider upping the sincerity ante with an exclamation point. Grammar experts are likely to disagree with this recommendation, but its us social scientists who are more adept at understanding the shifting dynamics of interaction and communication. You can trust us on this, sincerely.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Psychoneuroimmuniology - The relationship between dealing with death Research Paper

Psychoneuroimmuniology - The relationship between dealing with death and patients with leukemia - Research Paper Example The immune system works hand-in-hand with the brain to control temperature in the body and sleep. Coordination between the nervous and the immune system facilitates communication by initiating the release of certain hormones. The nervous system regulates the release of neurotransmitters thus enhancing the body’s ability to sense danger and provides the necessary response. A common issue in PNI is stress, which refers to the increase in undesirable tension that inhibits proper body functioning. It is a known fact that anxiety, depression and issues related to stress have an impact of the immune system of an individual. To put the matter into perspective, health defects for instance arthritis and heart disease are mainly attributable to stress. According to Upton (2013), in the occurrence of stress, the hypothalamus produces hormones that the immune system works on to create energy necessary for quick response. It is important to point out that foods that enhance inflammation contain starch and fats contents. Biologically, starch influences the levels of insulin and glucose in the blood. A high level of insulin does not only increase stress but it also results in depression. Insights from the concept perceive depressed people to be more prone to osteoporosis and myocardial infarction. Troubled association between the immune and the nervous system delay s the healing process. The relevance of PNI stems from the ability to exercise control on stress thereby strengthening the body and mind of a person. As per research, PNI is a promising field that may revolutionize the functioning of the immune system by connecting the mind and the body. Improving the defence mechanism reduces illnesses thereby making health to be stable. Procedures of biofeedback make it possible to treat cases of anxiety and migraine among patients (MateÃŒ , 2011). This is because sensors involved in the procedures enable individuals to exercise the relaxation of muscles and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Best theories explain crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Best theories explain crime - Essay Example There are numerous theories such as rational choice theory, strain theory, social disorganization theory, social learning theory, and social control theory, labeling theory as well as biology, genetics and evolution. Although there are many theories that have been put forward to explain why some people have high propensity to commit crime, I find strain theory to be the most suitable for explaining crime. Robert Merton, a sociologist from the United States, was the first to assess criminal behavior using Strain Theory in 1938. According to Merton’s Strain theory, all members of the society have the same aspirations, but have varying opportunities or abilities to achieve their aspirations (Agnew & Brezina, 2010). Consequently some people will fail to achieve what the society expects of them through accepted ways like embracing hard work first then enjoying the fruits of labor later in life. Merton identified and explored five basic adaptations of people who cannot legitimately achieve the societal aspirations. These include: innovation, rebellion, conformity, retreatism and ritualism (Rios, 2007). Conformity is where a person acknowledges that he or she cannot attain goals expected by the society and embrace the limited opportunities within their reach. Innovation is where an individual resort to illegal means to attain societal goals. Rebellion is where an individual disowns b oth societal goals as well as the means of achieving them and decides to give life a different approach. Retreatism also rejects societal goals and means of attaining them while ritualism is where an individual gives up hope on societal goals, but still embraces the means of achieving them (Rios, 2007). The choice of Merton’s Strain theory as the most appropriate for explaining crime is informed by its pragmatic approach and coverage. Strain theory further takes into consideration cognitive dissonance for every societal member in examining the tendency of

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Nutrition for Health and Social Care Essay Example for Free

Nutrition for Health and Social Care Essay In this assignment, I will be making realistic recommendations for decreasing negative impacts on the health of one individual. The individual I will be making recommendations for and talking about in more depth is James. As it states in the case study, and James has a BMI above average, therefore, in this assignment, I will clarify in full detail what he could do in order to live a healthier lifestyle and lose some weight as James is 54 years old overweight. In addition, I will also be stating the advantages of acting upon and following the recommendations I have made as well as the disadvantages if he did not follow them and continued with his normal diet. â€Å"Food is essential for life but what we eat is subject to a wide range of influences. Recognising these and taking account of them when planning menus and preparing food can make the difference between and individual eating sufficiently for their needs or not†. James is 54 years old Chief Executive of an international company. He is single with no children, and admits to not paying much attention to his diet. Due to working long hours, he often skips meals, and ends up snacking. He sometimes grabs a takeaway on the way home because he’s not good at cooking, and hardly does food shopping and he lives miles away from the nearest supermarket, and so there’s usually nothing indoors to eat. At 6’1, he weighs 212 pounds and has a BMI of 28. He admits to feeling a little tired, recently. James dietary habits are impacting him negatively because he at an age where he is at risk of contracting some type of serious cardiovascular diseases, for instance problems with his heart or his arteries being clogged with fat because of consuming a lot of unhealthy foods, which could be fatal. James health factors are already beginning to have negative impacts on him because as it states â€Å"he admits to feeling a little tired, recently†. If James does not alter his behaviour towards his health for example taking more care and paying attention to his health, not only will he continue to gain a lot of weight but he will also have a hard time losing the weight as he will have a great amount to lose. I recommend that James goes on a diet and makes lifestyle changes. However prior to beginning his diet, I think it’s highly important that James visits his GP and research about dieting and losing weight the right way rather than doing it the wrong way to see faster results and be at risk of other health problems. After he has done his research, He should start off his diet slowly, for instance he could start by cutting out fizzy drinks and alcohol because they both contain great amounts of calories and fizzy drinks have a lot of sugar which is not good to constantly have, and replacing them with water. Water is extremely beneficial to the body because it refreshes your body and keeps you hydrated, and also drinking the recommended amount of water daily combined with a healthy diet, will contribute in weight loss and a healthier body. James should then begin to make food choice changes and portion control, for example cutting out fatty foods and consuming large portions of food. It states in the case study that he does not pay attention to his diet and because he works long hours, he often skips meals and that he is not good at cooking. James will have to now pay a lot of attention to his diet because it is putting him at risk of serious health problems and the first thing he should do is look on the internet for food recipes. If James does not want to cook at all, he should order his food from shops such as Marks and Spencer’s which have a variety of different healthy meals and also have home delivery so he could have the food delivered to him. Although he works long hours, it is vital that he does not skip any meals during the day, he should prepare a healthy meal at home and pack some to take to work and eat during his break, and he should also incorporate fruits for snacks and a bottle of water to take to work every day. This way he will not have to buy unhealthy take away meals to eat. In addition, James should attempt not to eat heavy meals before bed, he should have a light dinner and if he feels hungry late hours of the night, he should eat fruits and drink water to fill him up. After James has become accustomed to his new diet choices, he should now incorporate exercise to his diet. However it states in the case study that James works long hours which could be problem if he is trying to incorporate some exercise to his new lifestyle. The way to overcome this problem would be for James to have a plan. He should plan out his life for instance what ime he departs for work, what time he’s back home and the amount of hours he has free after work. Due to the fact that James works long hours, I think that he would benefit highly from buying aerobic DVDS and exercising in the comfort of his own home rather than going to the gym after a tiring day at work. He should start off by buying beginners DVD and gradually progressing to the more intense work out. However the DVDs must be suitable for his age and also he should consult his doctor prior to starting the exercising routine. The advantages of these strategies I have implemented above for James is that he will lose weight, he’ll be living a healthier lifestyle, he’ll become accustomed to not eating unhealthy foods and he would have the skills and knowledge about health and how poor diet contributes highly to health problems. The disadvantage would be if James decided not to act upon the recommendation and continued his bad habits of constantly eating take-away, skipping meals during the day and not exercising. The fact that he is 54 and is overweight is highly worrying because he is now at risk of getting diabetes, clogging up his arteries, suffering from a heart attack and other life threatening health problems. If he does not change his diet he is most likely to endure one of the health problems I have just mentioned and in worst cases it could lead to instant death. James lifestyle also has a huge negative effect on his health. This is because he has no wife or kids, whom could’ve helped James more, by for instance having a healthy cooked meal for him when he returns home from work. This way he would not need to always pick up takeaways on his way home as he would have a healthy cooked meal at home. Also the fact that James works long hours has also affected his health, the reason I believe this is because this could be the reason as to why he skips meals due to not having time to eat during work times which is also now making James feels often tired. James health is at risk, the fact that his working hours are so long may also be the reason to why James has not enrolled in gym, as I mentioned above he may feel extremely tired when he returns home from work and does not have the energy to exercise. Also the fact that he often skips meals does not help the situation because he is not receiving enough nutrients to give him energy he requires. I recommend that James starts off by possibly making slight alterations in his working hours and replace them with time for himself. The reasons for this is because James is clearly on a route to becoming obese and he needs to make some time for himself to exercise and better his health. As well as exercising, as I mentioned in the previous paragraphs, he has to change his eating habits as this is the main reason for his weight issues. I believe that a plan would be very beneficial for James to implement in his life because due to the fact that he’s a chief executive of an international company, means that he possibly has a lot of daily responsibilities at work and if he had a plan of what to eat and what time he has free to exercise, he will not become stressed and confused because it will all be written down. In this plan he should write down all the hours he works during the week and the breaks he has in between, he should also implement his new healthy diet in this plan and write the times he eats meals and snacks in between. I believe that after doing this and following through with the plan, he will adjust to the plan and begin to lose some weight and become healthier. Also more importantly James must always carry a packed lunch and fruits to work so he does not skip lunch and after lunch if he begins to get hungry again, he can snack on some fruits instead of buying unhealthy snacks. In conclusion, I believe that the recommendations I have made for James will only be advantages to him. This is because he will begin to lose the weight he has to lose in order to be healthy; his BMI will drop to average weight and also most importantly he will be living a healthier lifestyle and decrease the risk of having serious health problems. In addition, he will begin to have more energy throughout the day to cope with his every day routine without feeling as tired as he did when he did not pay attention to his diet and weight.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Kurt Cobain & Jim Morrison - Poets Of A Generation :: essays research papers

Kurt Cobain and Jim Morrison were more than leads of great bands. They were heros of their generations. They had so many talents and each influenced a multitude of people. Aside from being singers and song writers Kurt was also a musician, guitarist and mass-media phenomenon, and Jim was also a poet, film maker and writer. Their groups also had about a twenty year span in between them. Even though it seems you could not compare them you actually can. Unlike fictional writers their material comes more from their life experiences and feelings. Even though it was different things that affected each one you can still see a pattern of similarity between their lives. They both experienced hardships in their lives and also a few unexpected turns. There was a massive amount of stress put on their lives because not only did they have to worry about what they wrote but also what they said. Live performances were constantly being taped, there were interviews and television shows and specials, newspaper and magazine articles, and also public appearances. To them this also had to become a form of artistry. The publicity and fame that comes to band is far greater than any that would come to just one single writer. This was also a factor in their writings and maybe even in their tragic deaths. Influences for their writings came throughout there whole lives. Even as far back as childhood. Kurt was very damaged from his parents divorce. He once said "I had a really good childhood up until I was nine, then a classic case of divorce really affected me."( quotes) He also confesses " I used to try to make my head explode by holding my breath, thinking that if I blew up my head, they'd [mom and dad] be sorry."( quotes) In a song "Serve the Servants" from In Utero he talks about this by saying " I just want you to know that I/ Don't hate you anymore/ There is nothing I could say/ That I haven't said before/ Serve the servants-oh no/ That legendary divorce is such a bore" As for Jim, he grew up in a military family. His father was in the navy. They were constantly moving and Jim's dad was frequently not home. Jim seemed to grow a lack of respect for his family and authority. In an early fact sheet Jim claimed his f amily to be dead.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Buddhism and Hinduism Essay

There is a variety of belief systems practiced throughout the world today. Many of these beliefs have developed massive followings, and as a result, have had a considerable amount of influence on culture in the areas where they are practiced. These religions include Buddhism which is most prominent in East Asia and Hinduism which is most prominent in India although both religions is sometimes seen as a philosophy rather than a religion. These religions are similar to each other but differ in some of their views. First, Buddhism was founded in the fourth or fifth century B. C. n northern India by a man known traditionally as Siddhartha (meaning â€Å"he who has reached the goal†) Gautama, the son of a warrior prince. Some scholars believe that he lived from 563 to 483 B. C. , though his exact life span is uncertain. The origins of Hinduism were somewhere in the Indian subcontinent region, at some point in the Neolithic stone age. The exact time and location are unknown. According to Hindu belief there was no origin; such things have always existed and will always exist infinitely. Second, Buddhists follow the beliefs of Buddha. The Four Noble Truths are one of the central teachings of the Buddhist tradition. The teachings on the four noble truths explain the nature of dukkha, its causes, and how it can be overcome. The four noble truths can be summarized as: The truth of dukkha (suffering, anxiety, and stress), the truth of the origin of dukkha, the truth of the cessation of dukkha, and the truth of the path leading to the cessation of dukkha. Buddhists also believe in Nirvana. Nirvana means â€Å"cessation†, â€Å"extinction† (of craving and ignorance and therefore suffering and the cycle of involuntary rebirths (samsara)), and â€Å"extinguished; it is also known as â€Å"Awakening† or â€Å"Enlightenment† in the West. Third, Buddhism has an influence on the culture of the places where it is practiced. Buddha’s teachings influence Buddhists to follow their everyday routine so they can reach nirvana which is also known as a heaven. Also Buddhism drastically reduced the impact and influence of the stone cold caste system and social class structure that use to be apparent before Buddhism in India. Buddhism influenced the Indian art including many sculptures which were made in the image of Buddha. Fourth, Hinduism is not an organized religion and has no single, systematic approach to teaching its belief system. Nor do Hindus have a simple set of rules to ollow. Hinduism is a diverse system of thought with beliefs spanning monotheism, polytheism, panentheism, pantheism, monism, and atheism among others; and its concept of God is complex and depends upon each individual and the tradition and philosophy followed. Similar to Buddhists, Hindus also believe in karma and samsara. Karma can be described as the â€Å"moral law of cause and effect†. Samsara is the repeating cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth. Fifth, Hinduism has an influence on the culture of the places where it is practiced. Hinduism influenced the Caste System rather than suppressing it like Buddhism did. The Caste System is the social classes of India, and is still accepted by some in India, even though it is now illegal. Hinduism also influences how people eat since many Hindus are vegetarian. In conclusion, Buddhism and Hinduism are similar to each other but differ in some of their views and influence the culture of the areas in which it is practiced. Both religions believe in karma, samsara, and nirvana. Buddhism reduced the caste system in India while Hinduism influenced the caste system to be in place. Both religions are deferent yet they have many similarities.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Energy Self Sufficiency Leading To Carbon Credits Environmental Sciences Essay

Carbon credits are tradable license strategies in conformity with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change besides called as UNFCC.This schems gives the holder a right to emanation of one equivalent of metric ton of C dioxide. They provide a mechanism which efficaciously reduces the nursery gas emanations and therefore leting to gain through the emanation decrease. In rural countries, India has immense potency to gain emanation allowances through the proviso of domestic energy which is replacing based. They besides have fuel switching undertakings like solar cookers, biogas, solar cells and chullahs which are smoke free This survey proposes a general mathematical theoretical account that assesses the economical viability and potency of CDM Programme Matic a.k.a the Clean Development Mechanism which is developed on biogas undertaking for energy at families to supply autonomy in rural parts of India. statistical analysis have been used to rank the design variables. The research survey theoretical account is based on 10 small towns in Jhunjhunu, a territory of Rajasthan, India covering a population of about 31,000 people. The collected for the research intent is secondary informations. This theoretical account is applicable to all small towns in India. It is possible to cipher the figure programmatic CDM is based on the household system of the biogas undertaking. Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan, December 11, 1997 and entered into force February 16, 2005. 180 states have ratified to day of the month. It aims to cut down nursery gas emanations by 5.2 % compared to 1990 degrees during the five old ages 2008-2012. Developed states are classified in Annex 1-countries and is bound by the Protocol, while developing states classified as non-Annex 1-countries that have ratified the Protocol are non bound lawfully by the extension. The Kyoto Protocol provides three mechanisms: Joint execution ( JI ) , Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ) and The International Emissions Trading ( IET ) . In conformity with the CDM, Annex 1 states can run into their decrease marks by implementationof emanation decrease undertakings in developing states under non-Annex 1. A CER ( certified emanation decreases ) is issued by the Board of CDM undertakings in developing states which is a certification that certifies emanations have been reducedby one metric ton of C equivalentinternal-di-oxide every twelvemonth. Annex 1 states buy these CERs to run into their mark of emanation decrease. Under the Joint Implementation ( JI ) , an supplement, a party may implement a undertaking that enhances remotions from sinks in other states or canimplement projectsto cut down emanation in another states. ERUs ( emanation decrease units ) can be used to accomplish these aims. Harmonizing to the International Emissions Trading Scheme ( EIT ) mechanism, states can merchandise their extra credits on the international market for C credits to states with committednesss to quantify restriction of emanation and decrease of emanation as per the Kyoto Protocol.India is considered one of the biggest donees of C trading among the developing states, through the execution Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ) ._2. Methodology2.1. BackgroundGlobal heating is due to greenhouse gases ( GHGs ) that are captured in the ambiance. The tabular array shows the planetary heating ( GW ) of gas potency. Greenhouse gas emanations are powerful: C di-oxide, methane, azotic oxide, hydroflourocarbons, perflourocarbons and sulphur hexaflouride. CERs awarded = Tons of GHG reduced X GW potency of the gas ( metric dozenss of C ) aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦ ( 1 ) Table 1: Global warming potency of gases CDM undertakings are intended to be a lever for sustainable development [ 1, 2 ] . The consequences of the CDM undertaking has beendirected to sustainable development standards of the host state. Clearance of the National CDM Authority sustainability in India is spearheaded by the Union Environment and Forests. The basic rules of sustainable development, economic prosperity, environmental wellbeing and prosperity of the engineering. Reporting Program under the CDM is a new attack to the development of CDM undertakings registered with UNFCCC in a Plan of Action ( plan activities ) . This action is voluntary and a public private entity coordinates it, This consists of an CDM undertaking activities ( CPA ) which are unlimited in figure. An Action Plan can be constituted either by big or little CPA CPA. All undertakings under the Programme of Action must hold an implementing entity approved by the host DNA ( Designated National Authority ) . The plan activities of the bill of exchange declaration is limited to steps or enterprises in which activities that induce nursery gas decrease and the evidences of emanations can be identified and verified more clearly. Therefore, a policy that would extinguish fossil fuels or implementing a national cap and trade is non frequently considered a bill of exchange plan unless the actions applied are non identifiable clearly as attributable measuring and verifiable ex station [ 3 ] . The nucleus appears as a CDM Program is: They are the consequence of a calculated plan that is either working in the public sector or private sector enterprise. Plan consequences in a broad scope of disparate activities that have benn introduced by the plan and will non go on, but for following the plan. Actions that cut down nursery gases do non needfully happen at the same time. Type, size and timing of actions to cut down emanations caused by the plan might be unknown during the clip of undertaking enrollment.2.2. ExecutionThe methodological analysis of execution of the research is shown in Figure 1 The method involved the executing of the undermentioned stages:2.2.1. Survey – 1The research is based on the informations collected via the secondary beginnings which involves the probe and survey of bing energy beginnings and energy demands across Pilani and the small towns nearby in its first phase. Choice of small townsThe secondary informations Si via the 10 small towns studies conducted covering the territory of Jhunjhunu in Rajasthan, India. The choice of small towns was had a sample infinite which was diverse in nature and took the undermentioned factors into history: Context of people in economic footings Village occupants Background Based on the parametric quantities, 10 small towns near the metropolis Jhunjhunu territory, Rajasthan, India were selected. Dhandar Jherli Kazi Kulhariyon ka Baaz Likhowa Naurangpura Nuhand Raila Baas Thirpali.Figure 1: Methodology of Execution2.2.2.Study of UNFCCC methodological analysissClean Development Mechanism ( CDM ) , the methods of little under the UNFCCC relevant in the small towns above the selected energy industries ( renewable and nonrenewablein sector-1, waste direction and disposal in sector-15, agribusiness ( sector-13 ) and have been detailed.2.2.3. Choice of family based biogas workssBiogas has been found the best solution for the demand of rural India ‘s turning energy and supply of energy is deficient. Biogas workss have the great possible to do money from C credits and from all other solutions that are possible such as solar, air current, etc.2.2.4.Survey – 2Survey-2 was done in the small towns themselves Survey-1. This survey includes an appraisal of the parametric quantities of economic viability and feasibleness of Programmatic CDM is based on the biogas undertaking.2.2.5. Development of generalized mathematical theoretical accountOn the observ ations and analysis of the Survey-2 A a mathematical theoretical account was formulated which was general in nature. This was done to measure the economic viability of a CDM plan Matic family biogas undertaking in operation.3. Consequences and Discussions3.1. Research Surveys3.1.1. Survey – 1The the first was done with the end and the visit was to reexamine the beginnings of energy presently used and energy demands of the villagers. The parametric quantities that were calculated through the first study were: Main fuel for cookery. The mean fuel ingestion per twenty-four hours. The mean distance travelled by each twenty-four hours to acquire fuel for cookery. Entree to hours of electricity a twenty-four hours. Plants of family electricity ingestion and day-to-day energy.3.1.2. Survey – 2Biogas should be set up to back up programmatic CDM undertaking. Estimated parametric quantities in the 2nd survey were: W – A Will to put in a biogas works. the appraisal was done on a graduated table of 1-10 on the footing of a questionnaire. C – Fuel cost per twenty-four hours per family in the INR. P – Appraisal on a graduated table of 1-5 of a Prior cognition of biogas workss E -The ratio of the energy required for readying of family and the household members. A – Income per twelvemonth per family in the INR. N – Cattles owned by each family The mentioned standards are decisive for a biogas palnt undertaking execution.3.2. ObservationsThe Figure2 shows the consequence for Dhandar small town for the reading of informations collected via secondary study. Figure 2: The parametric quantities of observation in the Dhandar small town. Figure 2-a: The parametric quantity W – willingness to put, is being rated on the graduated table of 1-10 for the set of observations from the small town. Figure 2-b: The parametric quantity C – cost of fuel, is being calculated for each household for the set of observations from the small town. Figure 2-c: The parametric quantity A – income per twelvemonth per household ( in INR in 1000s ) , is being calculated for each household for the set of observations from the small town. Figure 2-d: The parametric quantity E – energy required by each household, is being calculated for each household for the set of observations from the small town. Figure 2-e: The parametric quantity N – cowss owned by each family, is being calculated for each household for the set of observations from the small town. Figure 2-f: The parametric quantity P – subsequent cognition of the biogas works, is being rated on the graduated table of 1-5 for the set of observations from the small town. On the similar evidences, the information was collected for the other nine small towns and analysis was done.3.3. Description of mathematical theoretical accountThe footing of information gathered in the survey-2, a numerical theoretical account was formulated with 1 employee, and five independent variables [ 4 ] . The handiness of investment-W is the dependent variable and independent parametric quantities, the figure of cowss per household-N, the one-year income, anterior cognition of biogas workss, energy PE demand, the monetary value of fuel-C are independent variables. W = degree Fahrenheit ( A, P, C, E, N ) aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦ . ( 2 ) W = 0.189 x ln [ ( A ) 2 + 1.216 ] + 0.541P + 0.287 ten e0.178C + 0.134 x ( 0.312 x E2 + 1.147 x E ) + 0.201 ten ln ( 2.916 x N ) aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦ ( 3 ) Where, W – A Will to put in a biogas works. the appraisal was done on a graduated table of 1-10 on the footing of a questionnaire. C – Fuel cost per twenty-four hours per family in the INR. P – Appraisal on a graduated table of 1-5 of a Prior cognition of biogas workss E -The ratio of the energy required for readying of family and the household members. A – Income per twelvemonth per family in the INR. N – Cattles owned by each family Benchmark sizes for household-based biogas leaf in India, 1m3, 2m3, 3m3 and 4m3 severally. But took the on the whole accepted 3m3 DeenBandhu fixed dome biogas works theoretical account, which has sold more units in India. His power is sufficient to run into basic energy demands of the kitchen for a household in India. Co-relation between the size and has earned the enfranchisement Certified 1.26 per three-dimensional metre in the figure of fixed dome type biogas works. This is calculated utilizing the UNFCCC, small-scale methodological analysis AMS-III.R [ 5 ] applies to the territory Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, India.3.4. Model applicationThe map gives the value of willingness to put in a family biogas works, which lies in the scope of 1 to 10. With this value, it is possible to gauge the figure of old ages the biogas works should be sustained to do the undertaking economically executable. The theoretical account application is as follows: For a peculiar family the willingness to put calculated from the proposed mathematical theoretical account is- † K † where K is an whole number from 1-10. The cost of a 3m3 Deenbandhu biogas works is INR 11,000 ( including installing cost ) . The figure of CERs ( Certified Emission Reductions ) per biogas works of size 3cum is 3.48 [ 5 ] .3.5. Sensitivity AnalysisThe order parametric quantity scope for each parametric quantity was calculated utilizing Eq. 4. aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦.. ( 4 )__This rank order parametric quantity indicates whether we are negociating positive important extra costs for big negative or little positive extra incremental costs for little extra negative [ 6 ] . The sensitiveness analysis on the map it was found that energy demand has been puting the highest rank of the parametric quantity ( Fig. 3 ) . Parameters such as fuel cost and anterior cognition was besides important. Parameters, viz. the figure of cowss and the mean monthly income is less dominant than other parametric quantities known in progress, the monetary value of fuel and energy demands. Calculations for a sample family in rural India with the following parametric quantities: Annual Income = INR 13200 Cpst of fuel per twenty-four hours = INR 7 Number of Cattle = 2 Prior cognition of Biogas workss = 3.5 Energy Needs = 6 From the mathematical theoretical account, the willingness to put is calculated to be, k = 6.99. Therefore the figure of old ages, the works should be sustainable = 2.81 old ages. Sum of money paid by the husbandman: ( R/10 ) x 11000. Accessory cost per biogas works including CDM enrollment cost, DOE confirmation cost, care cost is assured to be 20 % of each biogas works cost. Effective cost of each biogas works = INR 13200. Sum of money to be got from C credits = [ ( 10-k ) x 13200 ] /10 The monetary value of CERs = 10USD = INR 447.4 The figure of old ages the biogas works should be sustained = [ ( 10 – Roentgen ) x 13200 ] / [ 10 x 447.2 x3.48 ] Figure 3: Senstivity Analysis Willingness to put in a biogas works Investing will depend on the parametric quantities of one-year income, preliminary informations, the cost of fuel, it needs energy and the figure of animate beings. While the rural population in India will hold an acute energy crisis, the willingness to put in renewable energy such as biogas is important. They are easy to raw cow droppings, and proficient aid expertness to run the staff of families in biogas workss. This besides saves the cost of procurance of fuel per twenty-four hours as wood, coal, kerosine, etc. Unlike community biogas works, which will confront many obstructions for the installing and the production of biogas can be used in personal considerations of the household. The preparedness to put ( W ) in biogas depends on the undermentioned parametric quantities: Energy demands: Energy demands is the most dominant factor in the willingness to put in biogas workss in rural India. Energy needs is considered straight relative to the figure of people at place that is about 6 in rural India. electricity supply in most parts of rural India is limited to 6-8 hours per twenty-four hours. The current energy beginnings are deficient to run into turning energy demands of rural India. Hence the desire invest in a biogas works which serves as an first-class alternate beginning of energy is really high. Cost of fuel: The cost of fuel is besides a cardinal variable in the willingness to put in biogas workss in rural India. Due to miss of power and the turning energy demands, alternate energy beginnings such as kerosine, coal and wood became expensive. Spend a important part of their limited income on fuel markets is earnestly impacting the quality of life of rural India. When the fuel cost becomes a dominant parametric quantity willingness to put in a biogas works. Anterior Knowledge: Prior cognition of the biogas works is besides a dominant variable in the willingness of invest.The anterior cognition was assessed on the footing of a questionnaire on a graduated table of 1 to 5 The deficiency of anterior cognition was a major obstruction in the spread of biogas workss in rural India. Therefore, prior cognition has a important part in the will put. Annual Income: The mean one-year income of rural India is low compared to their urban India. Consequently, the rural multitudes are non able to exchange to more expensive beginnings of energy such as LPG ( liquefied crude oil gas ) . The sum to be invested in the biogas works is low-cost for the rural multitudes and carnal fecal matters entry demands is available at a nominal cost. Therefore the part of the twelvemonth grosss for the constitution of the will to put is non important. If the income from C credits is included, the importance of one-year income to cut down farther. Number of cowss: India has 289 million cowss [ 7 ] , and as a consequence of cow droppings are widely available and a nominal monetary value. As a consequence, fewer cows does non impact the handiness of household to put significantly.3.6. Mistake AnalysisValuess predicted by the theoretical account mistake is about 10 % ( Figure 4 ) . This suggests that the theoretical account is much more accurate. There are five sets of informations that is outside this border of mistake of 10 % . These are the random mistakes due to defective observations. Figure 4: Mistake Analysis aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦ †¦ ( 5 ) The standard divergence ( SD ) is calculated by the undermentioned expression, aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦aˆÂ ¦ ( 6 ) The mean per centum mistake is 0.17468341 and the standard divergence is 0.076910884. DecisionThis theoretical account can be applied to all small towns in India, to cipher the figure of old ages, families programmatic CDM undertaking based on the biogas must be maintained so that the returns from the sale of C accumulated by the undertaking makes the undertaking economically feasible. The parametric quantities used to cipher the willingness to put in biogas can be obtained straight from the Census of India. The proviso of agencies to put in biogas workss to run into turning energy demands of small towns in Jhunjhunu territory, Rajasthan, India, is high. The mean value of 6.64 is ready to put in a graduated table of 1 to 10. So that the willingness to put average = 6.64, for many old ages, the biogas works would be to accomplish sustainable profitableness = 3.14 old ages. Demand for energy is the most dominant factor in the willingness to put in a biogas works. It besides means that rural India is presently confronting a immense energy shortage. Cost of fuel and knows the significance through Before the willingness to put in a biogas works. The one-year figure of cowss and is comparatively less with regard to the willingness to put. Outgo on fuel nest eggs through the permutation of biogas is non taken into history. If this sum is included, the biogas works undertaking on the family becomes more economically advantageous.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on The Heroes Of Today And The Past

and definitions describing the heroes of today. Heroes can range from any age, any gender, and can live anywhere in the world with any kind of ethnic background, as long as they contribute to their surroundings somehow, modestly, to help those in need in danger or personally. For example, â€Å". Modern day heroes are human and make mistakes, but their compassion and love for life is shown through their actions and they don’t intentionally live to be heroes† (king r. john 11) This quote supports the definition of heroes today and some of their values. Miracles of a daily job prove to the world that these people are, although unconsciously, heroes. Voluntary actions reflect moral standards, and fame is not important. Virtues are displayed and everyone does their job to rescue and help others around them, and the heroes commit acts of courage and bravery. â€Å" Compared to heroes today Greek heroes were perfect gods that were strong, powerful, and notorious, but heroes today can be insignificant people trying their best to be a good person.† (King R. John 2) Miracles of a daily job prove to the world that these people are, although unconsciously, heroes. Voluntary actions reflect moral standards, and fame is not important. Virtues are displayed and everyone does their job to rescue and help others around them, and the heroes commit acts of courage and bravery. ... Free Essays on The Heroes Of Today And The Past Free Essays on The Heroes Of Today And The Past The Heroes of Today and the Past â€Å" We all have heroes- people whom we admire because they have done something we consider noble, brave, or generous† (Mosely, Ann 2) the heroes of today and yesterday. They’re different yet all the same. Many people wonder what is a hero and how their versions of one are one of many. In these brief paragraphs people may be able to sum up all these all these answers. The heroes of today aren’t necessarily famous and they are there to contribute the less fortunate. There were many words and definitions describing the heroes of today. Heroes can range from any age, any gender, and can live anywhere in the world with any kind of ethnic background, as long as they contribute to their surroundings somehow, modestly, to help those in need in danger or personally. For example, â€Å". Modern day heroes are human and make mistakes, but their compassion and love for life is shown through their actions and they don’t intentionally live to be heroes† (king r. john 11) This quote supports the definition of heroes today and some of their values. Miracles of a daily job prove to the world that these people are, although unconsciously, heroes. Voluntary actions reflect moral standards, and fame is not important. Virtues are displayed and everyone does their job to rescue and help others around them, and the heroes commit acts of courage and bravery. â€Å" Compared to heroes today Greek heroes were perfect gods that were strong, powerful, and notorious, but heroes today can be insignificant people trying their best to be a good person.† (King R. John 2) Miracles of a daily job prove to the world that these people are, although unconsciously, heroes. Voluntary actions reflect moral standards, and fame is not important. Virtues are displayed and everyone does their job to rescue and help others around them, and the heroes commit acts of courage and bravery. ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

7 Interesting Facts About Labor Day That Will Surprise You

7 Interesting Facts About Labor Day That Will Surprise You This Monday, September 3rd is Labor Day, in the United States. Families across the country will celebrate with barbecues, picnics, sporting events, and activities on the beach. It’s our last opportunity to enjoy the summer  before  it ends. This is what Labor Day has traditionally been known for. However, the history of Labor Day is a little more complex than  picnics and barbecue celebrations. Here are some interesting facts about Labor Day that you might not have known were true. Fact #1The first Labor Day occurred on September 5, 1882 in New York City.Fact #2Oregon was the first state to make Labor Day an official holiday in 1887.Fact #3The holiday’s origins stem back to the 1800s when the average American worked 12-hours a day, 7-days a week. Children ages 5-6 worked in factories and mines.Fact #4People avoided wearing white clothing after Labor Day as it unofficially marked the end of summer.Fact #5Labor Day began in Toronto, Canada in 1872 but quickly made i ts way to  the United States.Fact #6Labor Day began as a demonstration for workers rights but is modernly seen as an opportunity to celebrate the last day of summer.Fact #7In other countries, May 1st (May Day) is the day working people are honored. The majority of Europe celebrates May Day.Sources: [Forbes,,  CNN]

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Censorship of Books in Schools and Public Libraries Research Paper

Censorship of Books in Schools and Public Libraries - Research Paper Example Examples of such cases are: Martin v. City of Trutherss of 1943. The decision made in Minarcini V. Strongsville City School District of 1976 affirmed the case of the battle of human right. There had been recommendation by teachers to their students on the usage of† Catch 22 and God Bless you† in the students discussion of great American literature. The school board however ordered for the removal of such books. This did not spare â€Å"Cat’s Cradle† either. The court ruled in favour of students to buy the books suggested by the teachers citing that success of the students would be hindered by the removal of such books. This ruling was used by Judge Albert Coffin in1980 in making his ruling on a case filled banning the use of â€Å"The Wonderers and Dog Day Afternoon† from being used in the school library (Kim Stewart, 24). In the same year of 1980, the court ruled in favour of the school board of Warsaw Community School giving them a right of removing several books from the library. The right of the board in designing curriculum based on the school’s discretion was also upheld. The school was given powers to instil tradition and norms in the school by controlling the information resources in the school library. In 1982, the Supreme Court gave the school board powers to remove certain books from the library in good faith or based on educational principles. The basis of such censorship was to be justifiable. Court cases are but just an introduction to censorship of public libraries. Current Society In the recent times, censorship has been based on the terrorist content. With the increase in terrorists attacks in Africa and the western... This essay makes a conclusion that according to the list of the possible business strategies presented in this case study; it appears that there is need for careful censorship of both public and school libraries to ensure safety of children from materials that they cannot understand. Children should be accorded right to information access. There is need for school board and the community to work together in streamlining intellectual freedom, book banning and creation of policies that govern censorship of school and public libraries. This report approves that some school boards remove books they feel are unsuitable to the readers from the book orders. This has led to outcry among the students as well as the public. In many cases it has been viewed as a denial of the library users their fundamental human right. This however does not take place in America alone but notably across the entire globe. Banning of books in school and public libraries is a major concern of the entire society. Parents sent their children to school to gain information in the form of education. In the event students are barred from accessing this vital service, it is seen as a way of denying them their right to information access contained in the freedom of press. On the other hand there is need for ensuring the safety of the children. The safety should not only be physical in nature but also social, emotional and intellectual. There are some times when this right to information could be curtailed in a bid to ensure the emotional and safety of the child.

Friday, November 1, 2019

American Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

American Literature - Essay Example These four pieces have been selected carefully to cover the most crucial aspects of the American lifestyle and the culture of the American society in general. The Godfather, The Great Gatsby, The Long GoodBye and The Social Network are four pieces which have been used in the paper to find out various patterns regarding the American way of life. All of these pieces are focusing a particular point in the history of America, where certain fads were apparent and various lawsuits had their own effects of the society, thus all such aspect will be covered in the paper. For instance, The Great Gatsby particularly focused on the post World War I period when the American Elites had their own way of life as they were highly indulged in a luxurious lifestyle full of lust and obsession with the material things. Similarly, The Godfather focuses on the post WWII period which represents a period of transition by portraying the story of a Mafia family which suffers badly due to the changes in the sys tem how the Mafia system works. Also, The Long Goodbye is another post WWII Classic literary piece which also tries to portray the world of Drug Mafia and the perils of the system prevailing at that time in the American way of life. The Social Network, however, is a completely new and a recent composition which reflects the current trends of the American lifestyle. ... The lust for money makes them even greedier; also the urge to flaunt their wealth in front of others makes their lives fall apart in the long run. Secondly, American lawsuits have always inflicted major problems in the system, and when the Americans try to use illegal methods, problem are further complicated. Also, all of the pieces tend to show a slight transition in the American culture, and they portray that change is inevitable, however the change brings along various implications which are hard to resolve. It was perceived that the virtual world which minimize the problems, however, this was never the case as reflected in the paper. To make generalizations regarding the American way of life via the literary texts composed by highly reputable artists it is first important to analyze the pieces one by one. â€Å"The Great Gatsby† is the classic and one of the most popular books composed by Scott Fitzgerald. The author has incorporated all kinds of evils as well as the good about the American society during the time, by introducing many different characters and connecting those though different stories. The novel is more of roller-coaster ride where events are events reveal various aspects, and the scariest ones, thereby creating a realistic scenario of the time. The story revolves around two main characters, i.e. Nick and Gatsby, however many different supporting characters have also been introduced. Nick was a war veteran who plans to shift to the city to make use of the metropolitan life to make some money. On doing so, he happens to live next to Gatsby, who is a millionaire and throws the most lavish parties in now every now and then. Nick also gets to meet Daisy, who was rather Gatsby`s cousin, and both Daisy and Gatsby also a love affair